Wednesday, November 28, 2007

How Shopping Can Help Your Recovery, Or Not...

Thursday 22nd November

Today it is five whole weeks since my operation and as I explain to one of my adult piano pupils, I am plotting my escape (from the house) The plan is, I walk to the end of the Lane, catch the bus to town and walk round the shops - very simple. I nearly come unstuck rushing to the bus, and then have to wait 10 minutes before its arrival. I am close to giving up when I step on the bus and reach the point of no return (that's a single, please) So far so good, off bus, across the road, inspect the building site in the market place soon to be an ice rink. Decide against taking any photos as there isn't even any ice yet!

By the time I reach the shopping centre, I am on the point of congratulating myself at my achievement, when I realise that everything is beginning to hurt and I need to sit down. Dotted around are lots of seats all beautifully upholstered into silly shapes - but none are free. I end up choosing to park on the thin end of a leaf shape next to quite a wide lady who lets out a disgruntled sigh as I squeeze on next to her. This has a trampoline effect - as I sit down everyone else gets up and we two are left balancing on the leaf shape expecting the other to move over... She wins - I leave after five minutes.

Graham phones soon after and escorts me from the shopping centre empty handed. (I really have had enough) Except we now visit the doctor's (for another sicknote) who suggests that I should be capable of gentle exercise - swimming - gentle? Then we round off the day doing food shopping.

Friday I am so uncomfortable, I have to spend most of the day in bed...

The Pink Tie...

Originally uploaded by Geraldine Curtis
Monday 19th November

Today was my appointment back at the DRI to see the consultant. Although there is a sequence of events; sitting in waiting room, waiting in consulting room, waiting for consultant...I tend to remember what happened as a series pictures. First picture: The Service of The Queen and Prince Philip at Westminster Abbey playing on the television in the waiting room, the second of doors opening and closing while I wait for the consultant to be located, the third of the diagram the consultant drew me to explain how the mesh that he put inside me is anchored to the bone and stitched in place (this I clutch at, metaphorically speaking, as this would suggest that it is unlikely that I have done any lasting damage even if I have managed to dislodge the mesh) and lastly the tie that the consultant was wearing, pink paisleys on a silver background...

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Back On The Right Path...

Forgot to mention, this was published in the Derby Evening Telegraph on 10th November

A Quadrant Of Swans?

...and this one on 14th November.

Unaccustomed As I Am...

Pansy Orchid
Originally uploaded by Geraldine Curtis
Friday 16th November (Children In Need Day)

I received my invitation for the website lunch before I went for my operation and thought that four weeks on, I'd be well enough to travel to Bradford and enjoy myself. As the day got nearer, it became more and more doubtful that I'd make it. Graham offered to take the day off work and come with me, which was very good of him, providing him with a welcome break from the office. (He then worked solidly through the weekend!)
The trains were on time, the weather cold and bright and the venue only a short distance from the station. I had my hand shaken, my cheek kissed and made to feel like an old friend. I was able to stand while chatting and sit while eating (both still proving very difficult to do for any length of time). Best of all, I was presented with a Pansy Orchid for services 'above and beyond the call of duty' (I exaggerate, but you know what I mean), it was lovely...

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Same Sky, Same Picture?

End Of The Line...
Originally uploaded by Geraldine Curtis
As we stood waiting for the train home, this photo appeared. It's at times like this that you understand why you might own a Hasselblad just to make more of the light ... in the sky, on the rails, refection on the rails from the sky and from the headlight on the train. The eye is drawn into the centre of the picture and then slightly to the right...will the train pass to the left or the right of the viewer?

Reality is always less romantic...the train passed to the extreme right...

Same Time, Same Place...

Taken on the same day last year

Step In The Right Direction...

Autumn Sunset
Originally uploaded by Geraldine Curtis
Thursday 15th November

Sarah (my sister) had a meeting in Belper today, so had promised to visit once it was over. Strangely, everyone had cancelled, so she arrived mid morning. At four weeks on, this was the first outing I had had
during the day and it felt scary leaving the confines of the house. It was such a boost, we went out to lunch and then on to The Designer Outlet.
I feel so indebted that the one person I see the least of, took the trouble to come and 'hold my hand'. It was just what I needed...

This is a picture of the sky when we arrived back at about 4.00pm.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Happy Mushrooms Needed...

Originally uploaded by Geraldine Curtis
5th - 12th November

This has been a very difficult week when I've been very close to total dispair.

I had to go to the doctor's on Thursday to get a sick note for work and was hoping that the doctor would tell me not to be silly and that I couldn't possibly have messed up my operation in such a short time. Instead, she listened intently and suggested that in view of my history, it would be wise to refer me straight back to the surgeon...

Life Goes On...

Saturday 3rd November

Graham caught the 6.10am train to Hemel Hemptead (not exactly a direct route) and arrived home with his quarry about 1.30pm.

I'm really pleased that his dream has been realised, but envious at the same time, that for me anything similar seems out of reach...

Out Of The Blue...

Graham has had hours of fun out and about enjoying his new purchase, not noticing how cold it has become of late. When questioned, he describes how much warmer he feels during the ride all due to the shape of the faring conducting the warm air from the engine up past his knees - in fact he says he has no need of the (expensive) leather trousers he has in the cupboard...although he did mention something about them seeming to have shrunk since the last time on...

'Boyer Racing' is a motorbike dealer in London. Somehow, it seemed appropiate to do some touching up in photoshop. Wish now I'd spent a little more time doctoring it and managed 'Boy Racer"...

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Set Back...

Red Acer Leaf
Originally uploaded by Geraldine Curtis
Friday Evening 2nd November

Lucy was home and needed a lift to the boyfriends. Off we all went to Heanor and thought it a good idea to stop off for fish and chips for tea. Sitting in the car, other cars were racing by and somehow my brain though the car was moving. My knee-jerk reaction was to grab at the hand brake and then realise what I had done.
I now fear the worst...again...

One Visit, Two Cameras...

Friday 2nd November

There wasn't that much sun or blue sky today, but went in search of some much needed fresh air and a different view.
Armed with two cameras and a tripod, walked across the fields to Morley Church.

There I sat and waited for the sun to come out...

Monday 29th October

Graham came home waving a letter at me... Work has seen fit to give him a bonus...
Does this mean we can have a new bathroom, cooker, washing machine?
No, it means that Graham can buy himself a motorbike...oh....
Our microwave (which we bought when Robert was born) had the last say and went 'ping' for the last time...

Wednesday 1st November

An outing to Curry's to buy a new microwave. Why are they all so sophistcated now? Managed to steer clear of the 'all singing, all dancing' ones and came home with a smaller looking version of what we'd had before. Hooray!

Thursday 2nd November

Another outing, this time to new Westfield shopping centre (after 7.00pm). Still felt overwhelmed by its sheer size, although I have now worked out where everything is in relation to the old centre. Came home a bit sore...

Autumn Glow...

Sunday 28th October

It was so lucky that the weather was so perfect. After a short walk down the Lane, we collected our cameras, 'jumped' in the car and headed off for Straw's Bridge, just outside Ilkeston. It wasn't the swans that first caught my eye, but a scene across the road at the edge of a playing field. (If you look closely, there a lady in red with her two dogs, which helped to set the scene.)

By The Lakeside....

Everywhere we looked the scene cried out to be captured.
Over the road and round the lake was perhaps a little far for my first outing...

Finishing The Day Upbeat...

One last photographic opportunity lay in wait once we were home...

Friday 26th October

Robert had been dreading going back to university. We all (I) tried to reassure him that it wouldn't be that bad and anyway, this year will fly and by this time next year he'll be back in Cambridge, working his socks off and wondering what all the fuss was about...
Monday night a group of youths had congregated outside his house, supposedly playing football. There was a big 'crash' and on investigation a window was found to be broken. Luckily, being double glazed, only one pane broke, so no damage inside. Police were called and arrived within 10 minutes.
Tuesday night a group of girls, probably only Primary school age, came through the garden and climbed over the fence at the back of the house to gain entry to the school behind.
Wednesday night, Robert and Warren, his house mate, went out for the initial meeting of the local Alpha Group. (It was Warren's idea and apparently the spread put on was impressive...) They arrived home to find that Warren's bike had been stolen. It had been at the back of the house, but unfortunately wasn't locked. The security lights had been on throughout, and although Robert's bike was under its cover a few feet away, it hadn't been touched. (It now lives in the lounge) Bit traumatic as Warren had spent all his spare time over the summer making this bike, a recumbant. Police were called...
Thursday, Robert arrived home after lectures to find the whole area cordoned off; there'd been a murder...

Saturday 27th October

Graham home at half past 8. Had hoped for someone to make me a cup of tea, but I did get the kettle boiled for me...