08.02.11. On my way to record the floods at Darley Dale, I stopped off at Milford. I took lots of photos of the weir, but all were disappointing, except for this image of the old sluice gate. A little burnt out in the bright sunlight, but still quite pleasing to the eye...
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Flooded Fields, Darley Dale...
08.02.11. The headline on yesterday's Derby Evening Telegraph was about flooding in Matlock and Darley Dale. Today, as the sun was shining, I decided to head off in search of the floods - still very much in evidence.
Pressed Flowers: Resin and Silver
05.02.11. Took Lucy to The Ferrers Centre for lunch and couldn't resist these earrings. They match a necklace and bracelet I already have. As luck would have it, I had forgotten to put any earrings in !
A Squeeze Stile...
03.02.11. This is my second photo of the year to be published in the Derby Evening Telegraph. On 16th of February, someone wrote a letter to the paper saying that it was a fine example of a 'Squeeze Stile', nice to be noticed
Monday, February 14, 2011
Nora Fok, Cloud Nylon Exhibition, Harley Gallery
02.02.11. On display until 20th March, Harley Gallery, Worksop, Nottinghamshire
Nora Fok, A Necklace...
02.02.11. Knitted DNA. On display until 20th March, Harley Gallery, Worksop, Nottinghamshire
Nora Fok, A Necklace...
02.02.11. Inspired by the sun's eclipse. On display until 20th March, Harley Gallery, Worksop, Nottinghamshire
Nora Fok, A Necklace...
02.02.11. This is an inspirational exhibition, visit if you can. On display until 20th March, Harley Gallery, Worksop, Nottinghamshire
February 2011
01.01.11. Had an enquiry today from a lady wanting piano lessons for her three children and herself. As she said - she needs to find someone to go to her house. Do I want to take on four new pupils at once ... no, not really.
02.02.11. Was a little worried today that today would be a complete disaster as I had arranged with a friend to go to The Harley Gallery to view Nora Fok's exhibition of knitted Jewellery. Unfortunately, said friend cancelled at the last minute due to work commitments. I decided to go anyway as I had re-arranged piano lessons. As it turned out, it was a dull day illuminated by this trip, I had such a wonderful time. It was lovely to be greeted by the 'girl' on the reception desk as I'd said I was coming to visit and as I walked in, so did a journalist who had come to write an article for 'Crafts Magazine'. As we'd both come on our own we met up for lunch (which was wonderful) and had a really great chat about al things crafts. I'm hoping that Carla will get in touch at some time. An interesting contact for the future. The exhibition was just breathtaking, I can't recommend it enough. I have written about it at length here.
03.02.11. Second photo of the year published in the Derby Evening Telegraph. Caught up with work, took a trip to The Beetroot Tree in the afternoon to view their Erewash Open Exhibition. There was a nice selection of work, mostly paintings, but nothing that really stood out. Had asked another friend if they would like to come - she had to stay in as her roof was being mended.
04.02.11. Having spent 4 months waiting to be paid for some teaching work I did in July, somehow I was sent 2 duplicate cheques, so spent the morning composing a letter and returning them. Also posted a card and letter to my friend in Japan who I'd managed to send a Christmas Card to at the wrong address. Amazingly, it was returned so I am hopeful that we can get back in touch. Collected Lucy from town, home for the week-end.
05.02.11. Forecast correct, heavy rain all day. Took Lucy to Staunton Harold for lunch and a look around the galleries. Nice place to visit even in dreadful weather. Came home via Belper.
06.02.11. More heavy rain, miserable all day - caused flooding in Matlock and Darley Dale. Went out for lunch, but we were all disappointed.
07.02.11. Graham left early, took Lucy to her lift back to Oxford and caught the train to Plymouth (staying till Thursday). Lots of things to do on website. Rang up and arranged for the website address to be changed. All sorted by 3pm, but unfortunately I cannot post anything to the website, which is a tad frustrating. Fingers crossed it is nothing major.
08.02.11. Had a Flickrmail from a biologist who lives lives in Siena and would like to use a couple of my photos, sent a reply first thing. As the forecast said it would be the only sunny day of the week, decided to grab my camera and go and take some photos of yesterday's floods. Stopped off at Milford, lots of debris floating in the very high river. Then at Belper East Mill and then onto Rowsley via Bonsall. Had some lunch at Caudwell Mill - nearly didn't get any as they don't take 'plastic' in the cafe (as well as only serving vegetarian food). Luckily, the gift shop will give cash back. (thank you so much!) Eventually arrived at the flooded area of Darley Dale, just as the light was beginning to fade. Perhaps I should have headed straight there, but there wasn't much to photograph and I have found some new places for walks around Bonsall once the weather improves.
09.02.11. Stayed in and caught up with the website. Had a phone call from Ferrers Gallery to say the ring I had ordered was in - trip for tomorrow?
10.02.11. New adult piano pupil first thing. Not sure I can cope with a 9am lesson, but it's easiest for her to come straight from dropping child at school (Ockbrook).
Set off for Staunton Harold around 2.30pm, very muddy near Caulke Abbey (poor car!). Peter Kibbles's ring is beautiful. Went to town and took some paper work in to Oxfam that Lucy had left over the week-end. Graham was home by 5.00pm.
12.02.11. Hooray! At last a sunny day. Packed up the car and headed for the seaside (Rhyl). Had a few hiccups on the way. First we had a problem with the sat nav, having returned home briefly for an 'essential item' started the car again and no sound...not on the radio or the sat nav. Wasn't sure we could cope with a long journey and no radio, so stopped just before we got on the A50 (dual carriageway). Having turned the knob right up and detected that there was some sound, it just wasn't connected to the loud speaker. Switching the car back on returned the sound which I had turned full on. Well...after peeling ourselves off the ceiling (that was LOUD!) we carried on - the rest of the journey being quite uneventful except a 20 minute hold up on the M6. We'd not been to Rhyl before - it was lovely along the sea front and there are a huge number of wind turbines way out in the sea. Lunch wasn't quite as exciting, but a long walk afterwards hopefully burnt off all the chips we had eaten. Left at 5pm and arrived home around 8pm having stopped for a cup of tea on the motorway.
13.02.11. Spent much of today working on a card I wanted to make for Valentine's Day. I'd seen a really lovely card in a shop in Derby, but decided to take on the challenge of recreating it, rather than buying it for £2.75. The morning was taken up painting some extra long matches I had bought, first in white (three coats) then pink (two coats) and dipping them in 'Glamour Dust' (glitter to you). Took ages to photograph them as I wasn't happy with the background colour and then in the final moments, it all came together and I was almost happy with the result.
14.02.11. Valentine's Day. Didn't get as much response as I would have liked about my photo, but some people looked at it...
16.02.11. There was a letter in the Derby Evening Telegraph mentioning my photo. Apparently, it is an example of a Squeeze Stile... Had to go to the dentist as a tooth is 'playing up'. Was very disappointed to be told that yet another nerve has died and that I will need to come back in a fortnight to have a root filling. At least I wasn't in too much discomfort this time and I wasn't on holiday in Toronto, a mere 3500 miles from home...
17.02.11. Spent part of the day trying to design a new poster to help advertise my Jewellery Class which starts on 4th March. Graham and I went to town shopping. Bought some things and managed to leave the bag in the toilets in The Westfield. Went back, but resolved that they wouldn't be there. Was heartened to find they had in fact been handed in to the Concierge Station opposite Boots!
18.02.11. Went to three different libraries with posters about my class just before lunch. Had my hair cut just after lunch and then came home to catch up on the website. Had a phone call from my Line Manager at the Eco Centre about my courses in May and June and then a very long phone call about the website. Very lucky I was in. Graham and I went out to get fish and chips at 8pm, hoping that by the time we arrived back, Robert would be home. He turned up about 20 to 9, so ample time for a good chat before bedtime.
19.02.11 Graham off early to Bournmouth on train. Met up with mate and spent the day at The Sammy Miller museum, had a great time by all accounts and just as they were leaving Sammy Miller turned up and they were able to have a few words with him. Robert and I eventually headed off for The New Art Gallery at Walsall, stopping off for lunch at Heart Of The Country Shopping Village near Lichfield. Heading into deepest Walsall on such a dismal day was quite depressing, but the Art Galley is an amazing building and had some great exhibitions. The best one was the oil paintings of Frank Sydney Smith. Born in 1929, he didn't start painting until 1976 (seriously) attending adult education classes (good lad!). The paintings document his life, showing whatever your experience, you can share the up and downs with others through art. Another reason I was so drawn to this exhibition was because in a way Frank's life mirror's my dad's life. If only I could show everyone the things my dad has made... I have bought the book from eBay to send to my dad and hope he will find it interesting. Read about Frank Sydney Smith's life here
21.02.11. Up early and on the train to the NEC for the day to promote Craft Club. Denise was there demonstrating how to spin plarn and three local volunteers were really good at engaging the visitors. Saw a fashion show and took some photos, but nothing brilliant. Spent 2 hours on the website once I got home. (at 7)
22.02.11. Another busy day on the website and four piano pupils.
24.02.11. First sunny day for over a week and spent much of it in the car going to visit parents. I stopped off there and Graham went on to Cirencester to meet someone about his work. Once back, we took a trip to Burford Garden Centre. Was really the surprised that my mum and dad agreed to go and had a good look round and enjoyed tea and 'sticky buns - hooray! The only downside was that everything seemed so expensive, I doubt they'll want to go there again. Went out on my own and took a few sunset pictures - the colours are always so much more intense down there. Home by 8.15pm. Noticed one of my photos in the paper of Darley Abbey Mills. No credit, but recognise the seagulls.
25.02.11. Sent off my entry for APOY 11. One can hope...
26.02.11. Another freezing cold wet day. Went to Denby Pottery for lunch and saw art exhibition - one of the members is someone who teaches same subject as me at Derby City Council.
28.02.11. Graham's birthday, should I say how many? - one more than me! Had piano pupils in morning and teaching new class at Long Eaton in the evening, so not a quality day for Graham. Went to The Harvester for lunch (his choice) and a short stop at TCHarrion's to buy a liner for Graham's car and new mats for mine. Class at Long Eaton has 8 learners, so it will run, hooray! All very capable and all produced good work.
Road Mending...
30.01.11. I always try to take photos that are aesthetically pleasing, but made an exception today. Our road to Little Eaton is closed for 3 weeks (making a round trip of 10 instead of 3 minutes). I thought it might be interesting to photograph it while there was no one else around.
Saturday, February 05, 2011

- Saturday 22nd January was a bit of a 'non day'. Miserable weather, didn't go out and didn't feel inspired to do anything constructive. By the evening, I was, as they say; bored, bored, bored, so bored in fact that I began looking through other blogs randomly. I went to my profile page and looked for people who had the same favourite film as me - 'Big' and clicked onto the list. Of those who had 'Big' listed I clicked on 'photography' wondering whether those with the same interests are just like me. The second blog I chose had the title 'Make Do And Mend' (very clever to have named a blog that, as the phrase is so popular) Amazingly, this blogger lives in Nottingham and as I read through all the interesting things she had done, one post really caught my eye... Ever heard of Vivian Maier? You will do soon. In 2007, a Real Estate agent in Chicago bought up a job lot of old negatives and stumbled on a wonderful collection of street photography taken by a single lady, who lived a solitary life whose passion was taking photos of people in every day Chicago. John Maloof understood immediately the importance of the work he had discovered and is now busy raising funds to make Vivian's life story into a docu-film. I can't wait...
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