Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Jeff Moore, Guardian Press Desk Day, The Quad
Portrait, Jeff Moore, Guardian Picture Desk Day, The Quad, Derby, a photo by Geraldine Curtis on Flickr.
12.03.11. We learned how images are submitted to a newspaper, the stories behind some famous images and were treated to an excellent lunch. Great day out at The Quad!
Cromford Mill, Late Afternoon...
06.03.11. First sunny afternoon in ages, so out with my camera. Lots of people were there - they have been cloned out of this photo!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Flower Power....
02.03.11. There was a time when I didn't think my Amaryllis bulb was going to grow any flowers. It has now produced four of the most wonderful blooms - I feel like a proud parent!
March 2011
02.03.11: It wouldn't be right for a week to pass without an obligatory trip to the dentist. Today I had a root filing done on the tooth which was causing a problem a fortnight ago. Lucky I like soup!
03.03.11: Debbie from Tap phoned first thing to say she needed some presents and would I like to come to The Bottle Kiln for a coffee with her. - Jumped at the chance, but when I got back found that Id missed one of my piano pupils - whoops!
Have had some interest in my photos from a marketing firm in London who produce a magazine about regeneration in the East Midlands called 'Perspective'. They have sent me a copy of the magazine and it is beautiful, both in terms of quality of photography and quality of paper used. I should be happy to have them think my photos are worthy (even if they don't intend to pay me). They may yet not be chosen, one can but hope. Have seen on Twitter that free 'Creative' courses are available for Quad, for people who live or work in Derby. You have to attend two days of training - still waiting to hear back.
04.02.11: New Jewellery class at Village Centre. As anticipated it isn't going to run due to lack of students, however, three more attended than I thought would come.
Missed the big Conference on Format's opening day, but was consoled by the fact that one one my photos was published in the Derby Evening Telegraph.
05.03.11: Big day today, Tap demonstration at The Roundhouse in Derby. Don't know if I was more excited about finally seeing the inside of this building, or about tapping in front of an audience. Met up as planned, got changed in the classroom upstairs, went through the routine as best we could in the space available and went downstairs to wait our turn. Everything seemed to be running on time and then the organisers decided that a group from London who had missed their slot should be fitted in before us. We couldn't really hear what they were singing/reciting, but one of the girls had some amazing shoes! Our routine went really well with the 7 of us. Dancing on railway sleepers is not something I would chose to do, but hey, there's a first time for everything! Afterwards, I took quite a few photos, went on a tour (a bit disappointing as they had run out of guides) and had a chat with the people on the Fairtrade, WI and Quad stands. The event was just about to finish around 4pm, so I made my way over to the front of the Railway station and waited for Graham to come and pick me up. Quite a good day considering it had rained all day.
06.03.11: Our first glimpse of sunshine in over a week. After lunch, drove to Cromford Mill and took some photos of the Mill complex and the railway station with its new building.
07.03.11. Normal Monday - lots to do on website. Had to chase up people to get an entry on DACES Moodle, to put up student's work. Lesson went well, Twisted Stranded Bracelet home around 9.00pm.
08.03.11. First draft of new newsletter to sort out. Went to town to put cheque in bank. Visited Format Exhibition in The Quad and also the Ark shop in Sadler gate. Same shop that we did craft sessions in in December. (?) Spoke to a young chap from Korea who had had his photos from the Street Photography workshop printed and displayed. So polite and spoke good English.
10.03.11. Tried posting a photo from Flick onto my blog and the format has changed. I can't work out why this is - has anyone any suggestions? I'm so upset this has happened.
11.03.11. Robert arrived home before 8.30pm
12.03.11. Robert and I went to the Guardian Press Desk Day, 11.00am-4.00pm. Talks from Roger Tooth, head of photography, Jeff Moore Freelance photographer, Martin Godwin (reminded me of Michael Cain) and Martin Argles, both Guardian photographers. Great to hear what a real photographer does!
13.03.11. Lovely sunny day. After lunch Robert and I went to Hardwick Hall and went on a long circular walk. Robert took almost as many photos as me with his new camera, Canon S95. Home towards 5.00pm.
14.03.11. Busy day and Jewellery Class at Long Eaton in the evening. Sun just setting as I arrived at 10 past 6. Class went well, Simple Loops tonight, earrings and pendant set.
15.03.11. I have two adults taking exams this month, one tomorrow and one at the end of the month. Kate is also due to have her baby on 20th and I was expecting her to come at 10.30am for her last lesson. When she was a few minutes late, I wondered whether the baby was about to make an appearance. At 20 to 1 Kate texted to apologise for missing her lesson. They went to the hospital at 9.30am, and baby arrived at 11.00am. Can't wait to see this musical baby!
I missed my tap lesson as we had booked to see Mike Harding. The last time I saw him was 24 years ago when Robert was about 6 (?) months old. Well, the songs hadn't changed or the jokes...
16.03.11. Graham went off very early to a meeting in Basingstoke, called in the see his mum on the way back and was home by 7.30pm - that's what I call a round trip!
17.03.11. Found out I didn't get a place on a photography workshop at the Quad, but at least I know I am free to go the the NEC next week. The good news is I think I will get a place next month. Collected Lucy from the station at 7pm, home for a long week-end.
18.03.11. Change in the weather, bright and sunny. Went to Alfreton to visit an Oxfam shop, then on the the Designer Outlet, fell in love with some white shoes. Had lunch there, then headed back to go shopping in Derby, stopped off at Chester Green to take photos of the daffodils. Took camera to Westfield Centre expecting to see some Comic Relief activities, but instead found a Faces of Fashion show taking place. Models dressed up in designer garments and wore masks of famous people - no idea why! Fell in love with a jacket from New Look.
19.03.11. Graham busy with his 'proper' work. Took Lucy to Denby Pottery for lunch, but as got there so a coach load of people who all headed for the restaurant, so got back in the car and drove towards Matlock. Got stuck in traffic just outside Cromford caught up with a very nasty accident involving a motorcyclist and a car. Once past the accident, stopped off at Cromford Mill for lunch and then went on the Matlock via Starkholmes - have never been that way before. Lucy went to visit another Oxfam shop while I took some photos. When Lucy was finished we headed on to just beyond Bakewell where we visited the Magpie Mine. Lovely place for a family visit, made me feel nostalgic for little people.
20.03.11. Another lovely day. After Sunday lunch spent afternoon planting some seeds and doing some weeding. Great to be outdoors and gardening! Took Lucy to station for 6pm.
21.03.11. Went to the Derby Royal Hospital for a 10o'clock appointment for more acupuncture. Was a little late setting off, then there were no parking spaces etc etc and arrived 5 minutes late. Luckily clinic was running late too. As I left, I paid for the car park outside the hospital and by the time I had walked to the car and driven to the exit, the machine spat my ticket out saying I had over stayed my time. Strangely at the same time, it spat out some other tickets which had today's date on - hand written and said "use on entrance and exit". Not wanting to have to pay more on my ticket, I posted one of the tickets back in and hey presto the barrier opened...
22.03.11. You can tell the sun is out as emails for the website have reduced - hurray! Decided to take my camera to town and get some photos for the Amateur Photographer competition. This month's theme is 'Inside A Building'. Decided I would photograph the inside of the cathedral as in 31 years, I've hardly ever visited. The last time was last June for the funeral of a neighbour. I'd been there 5 minutes when the doors opened and in swarmed a class of eager school children. I stayed on another 5 minutes and then beat a hasty retreat. Inspiration was not going to happen with all those little voices around. Wasn't sure where to go, but headed down towards the Market Place, then realised that the best place to photograph the inside of a building and show of its architecture was the Market Hall with its beautiful arched ceiling. I'm not going to win any prizes for the photo I took as I couldn't get the light right, but still walked away with a sense of achievement as I know this was the right subject to choose.
23.03.11. Another sunny day... after lunch went back to Derby to re-take the photos at the Market Hall, hoping the light would be better in the afternoon - not so. When I arrived home, I found I'd missed a phone call from an editor of a magazine. After a quick cup of tea, returned the phone call and found myself in a conversation about taking some photos of Derby. Too late today, but can't wait for tomorrow and more good weather.
24.03.11. At last completed my Course Information Sheet for a new course at the Eco Centre in June. Tied up with piano lessons all morning, but free to go into Derby in the afternoon. It's lucky that the Photography Festival Format is on in Derby at the moment. Usually anyone armed with a camera in the middle of a Derby Street would not get a warm welcome, but today no one batted an eyelid. I learned a lot about Derby on my walk round, half of it is up for lease/sale. The city of Derby is struggling to combat the false wealth engineered by the opening of The Westfield Centre... Worked until nearly 9.30pm to get some of the photos in an email.
25.03.11. Another busy day coming up - spent at the NEC Birmingham talking to people who can and can't knit. Interesting and long with the added bonus of a Fashion show to photograph. Learned a lot - I'll never be a fashion photographer, you have to work so quickly and anticipate the brief moments when a model stands still enough for you to get a good photo - was fun trying! In Derby at 6.30pm and then food shopping on the way home.
26.03.11. A rather more gentle day today. Lunch at Denby Pottery and a trip to Derby shopping late afternoon. Found something in the 2 day Next sale that I liked and fitted me.
28.03.11. Graham left left early and drove down to Plymouth for a few days of important meetings, including one with the Board of Directors. I had to be up early and at the Derby Royal for my second session of acupuncture. No problems with car parking this week. Full day with normal work on website and 4 piano lessons, then off to Long Eaton for the last of my Jewellery classes and a quick 'feed back' session with my Line Manager. Home by 9.30pm and still another hour's work on Flickr...
29.03.11. Four more piano lessons, a trip out to the garden centre for a plant for a neighbour's 60th Birthday. Very dull day and heavy rain from 6pm. Took plant round to party, but didn't stay as off to Tap class - a bit tired.
30.03.11. Concerns over the future of the website led me to leave everything for an hour or so - went to Derby University to attend a talk about Street photography. Asked a question about a very lovely photo (reflections in a window in Oxford Street) and was assured it wasn't staged. Decided not to ask any more questions as my heart rate might not be able to cope! Home by 3.30pm. Graham arrived home around 7pm having driven almost non stop from Plymouth.
31.03.11. Bit of a traumatic day for me. More concerns about website, coupled with having to turn down 2 major offers of work as they clashed with things I'm already committed to - any other time or day would have been fine...
P.S. Since 10th March, the photos I've posted from Flickr have changed format - extra large with no proper frame. I'm really disappointed about this, but can't find out why. If anyone reads this and can help, I'd very much appreciate some help towards putting it right, thanks.
Tuesday, March 01, 2011
Cotswold Sunset...
24.02.11. I took this photo at the entrance to Copse Hill. A place that holds so many childhood memories...
Scenic Rhyl...
12.02.11. We were disappointed that the tide was out when we arrived, but it came in really quickly after lunch. Lots of lovely reflections to capture.
Number Five Is Alive...
12.02.11. Brilliantly sunny warm (almost) day and a great day had at Rhyl, North Wales. These binoculars were in the window of the Lifeboat Building and just so reminded me of the 'Short Circuit' films.
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