Saturday 13th
The weather has been so awful (little did we know it was going to get worse) that Graham and I decided we needed a day out, or as much of one as the weather would allow. Needing a change of scenery we headed North on the M1 (after depositing Lucy at work) and after an hour's drive we had arrived at our destination. I make no apologies for our frequent visits to The Yorkshire Sculpture Park, if you want to visit a place which is within easy reach, has beautiful scenery, a relatively easy circular walk and the air of somewhere different, you should go. On arrival, first we made an inspection of the toilets, no change there, but anywhere with fresh flowers has my seal of approval. Next on the itinerary is a quick perusal of the craft shop - not too long in case you're tempted to buy something, then upstairs for a leisurely cup of cappuccino and a view of unadulterated countryside. (Don't look too critically or you may just spy the M1 in the distance) With a short pause to eye up the menu, we made it back outside within half an hour. Joy of joy's the sun came out as we set off down the hill towards the new James Turrell Deer Shelter, but although there was a brief glimpse of blue sky, this was unfortunately short lived. Good for James Turrell, but can someone please explain to me why deer would want to sit on a stone bench and peer upwards towards a hole in the roof to view the sky? We found it therapeutic and different, but would the deer?
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