Monday, May 07, 2007


Monday 30th April

Emailed hospital in the hope of reminding them that I'm still waiting...

After a pretty tough weekend, finally felt well again today! Had phone call from Line Manager: "Why hadn't I put the display up I'd promised to last week." She 'backed off' when I explained I'd not been well... and assuaged her with the promise of coming in early. Didn't quite manage the 12o'clock deadline, but display was up and "Alles Ist In Ordnug" seemed appropriate. 10 to 1 and who should arrive at the main desk, but a diminutive Inspector...just my luck! However, she was very pleasant and smiled appreciatively as I recounted my anecdote from the Phobia programme the night before, how this lady had a phobia about buttons and couldn't bear them to be near her...and here was my class making necklaces from them and telling stories of how they all had a button basket handed down from their mother - fond memories... After an hour, she delivered me feedback, was mostly very complimentary, tiny amount of constructive criticism, and with what I believe were the words: "It was a privilege" she left.

Tuesday 1st May

Poor day healthwise. Struggled to get Graham's ironing done and to cook lunch. Must make mental note: "Can no longer bend down to put things in oven"
Doctor phoned at lunch time to check what it was I wanted him to include in letter to hospital. Very close to tears at the thought that yet another week had passed since my last visit to see him and no farther forward. Have to realise that he has lots of other patients to administer to...In response, phoned local Nuffield Hospital, surprised that hernia operation not as expensive as I thought it would be. Discussed with Graham, that dependent on what doctor says tomorrow, only solution may be to 'go private'.

Wednesday 2nd

Graham left at the crack of dawn for another trip to the US. Seems to take less and less time to get there. This time phoned me before half past 4, only 7 and a half hours!
Mary came for piano lesson today instead of tomorrow. Good to have someone to talk to albeit briefly. Doctor's appointment 10.50. Very surprised when I was called in after only 5 minutes wait. He seemed to think that I'll be lucky to have operation within 4 months. So after brief discussion, he wrote a letter of referral for The Nuffield, which I took home with me.
Bluebells on bank breathtakingly beautiful on way home in full sunlight. Took advantage of weather and went back to photograph them in the afternoon. Not so bad walking down (nowhere to park), but bit of a struggle walking back up.
Lucy watered the allotment for me and cut some asparagus (my new staple diet for tea) unfortunately not embracing her new gardening role to its full potential. Probably something to do with stepping on something sharp - she insists on doing the watering bare-foot...

Thursday 3rd

Seemed to spend all day organising my lesson for tomorrow. Also put my panoramas of The Almshouses on Flickr together with photos of Morley and surrounds for chap from Parish Council to update website with. Sent email apologising for delay, but he seemed happy enough. Steven and Lucy went off to Morrisons to do the food shopping for me. Apparently Steven was in awe of Morrisons, as though he'd never been food shopping before...thought the loaf I like called 'pain de campagne' looked like a giant cob. If you knew Steven and the size he is, 6'2" and about 18 stone, you'd see why this was funny! Later took Lucy down to Breadsall to vote - her first time. Came home discussing why I gone to the 'disabled' booth (she said it was bigger than the rest, I said: well I am disabled) and why there are only children's pencils (short stubby ones) to make the cross with. Imagined that perhaps there are little fairy people in the collecting tins who are employed to rub out the crosses and change them, thus fixing the result!!

Friday 4th

Nick the caretaker was waiting in the car park to take my things in when I got there for my class...aaw, thanks Nick, nice to know someone cares...
Off to my appointment at The Nuffield at 20 to 3 and my first experience of a private hospital. (see above)

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