Thursday, August 14, 2008


Sunday 13th July

Not feeling too jet lagged today. Managed some catch up

Monday 14th July

Big day spent catching up on website, house, garden etc.

Tuesday 15th July

Had appointment at the Pain Management Clinic at 9.30am. Lucy accompanied me, rising at 9.00am and in the car for 9.05am. They took the TENS machine back off me which made me feel very anxious, but also gave me the information of where to buy one identical. Came home and spent the rest of the morning composing a letter to Canon in the hope that they might like to provide some kind of sponsorship for the Photocamp Leeds 2008.

In the evening I had to attend a training session on Racial Equality. I was a bit reticent about going, and was one of the few people to make it on time! The young chap who took the session was really enthusiastic about his subject and made it all very interesting, so that by the end of the evening I was glad I'd gone. (Besides the fact that I was able to tell everyone I'd just won a photographic competition!)

Wednesday 16th July

As well as all the usual things to do, this week has been taken over by a jewellery workshop I'm running as part of a fundraiser for someone raising money to go and walk part of The Great Wall Of China (she's raising money for the Meningitis Fund). She's expecting over 20 people, so this meant a trip to Nottingham to buy all the beads. It all worked out well as Robert has his first interview tomorrow and needed a suit. Lucy helped me chose the beads and then we all went and helped Robert chose a suit. As the suit needed altering, we found a Nandos and had our tea, collected the suit and were home for 7.30pm.

Robert drove there and back as Hermione had decided that I shouldn't.

Thursday 17th July

We all got up early and took Robert to the station for 9.00am. Then I took Lucy to work and waited for someone to come and unlock the shop. I was hoping to get on with some work as soon as I arrived back, but this was not to be as I'd forgotten that I had a piano pupil. Then I rang my mum, so all in all a bit of a short morning.

Lucy arrived home from work at 10 to 6. Washed her hair and had her tea and came with me to help out at the jewellery workshop at 20 to 7. Workshop went very well, but was really hard work. I was still helping people to finish off at 11.00pm. So by the time we were home, Robert was too tired to relate any of his day in detail- other than the fact that he was not very impressed by the firm...

Friday 18th July

Just when I thought I had some time to catch up, instead I had to visit the dentist to have the first session towards having a crown fitted to one of my wonky teeth. 45 minutes in the dentist chair is quite daunting, there was lots of drilling and impressions of teeth taken. I get to have the crown fitted next Friday (and pay the total cost £200!)

Came home and made soup for my lunch. Caught up on the website and then spent the rest of the afternoon in town shopping.

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