04.01.10: The first Monday of a New Year, an apt time to send off a job application for a different kind of job. Unfortunately knowing you are capable of something doesn't mean that it will always fall into your lap. By Friday I had a 'sorry you have not been short listed' email. Lesson learned? Get your CV updated and polished and maybe next time...
Rest of week spent working on the website and trying to get up to date with this blog - only 8 months to fill in...!
09.01.10: Lucy came with me to Belper for the afternoon. Stopped off between Little Eaton and Milford to take some photos of some hardy ponies in the snow.
11.01 10: First class of the term, you never quite know what to expect, so two students was better than no students at all, but 6 short of a running class...
12.01.10: In view of the weather and the fact that only 5 students had enrolled, today's class at Alfreton was cancelled and a rain check taken until next Tuesday. All but one of my piano pupils cancelled and even Tap class was cancelled.
13.01.10: Weather still kept one piano pupil away and one was ill so that left two today.
14.01.10: Big UKHKA meeting in London. New snow last night meant that everyone took their car to work this morning and consequently I missed the 9 o'clock train.The 18 minutes past got me in to St Pancras by 11.06 and had I had an underground ticket, I probably would have made the 11.30 deadline. As it was, by the time I opened the big oak doors to a sea of unknown faces 10 minutes later, they were only just doing the introductions. Meeting was informative and revealing and I got to talk everyone through the relevant pages of the website, something I didn't think I could do - but it was fine ... when can I do it again... Home 7.30pm.
15.01.10: First Jewellery class at Village Centre. There were only 6 present, one missing and the hope that the 2 from Monday will join next week. Relief - one of my three classes will be running!
17.01.10: Sunday afternoon Graham and I went out for a long walk from Holbrook down to Belper and back. Still some snow on the ground and very chilly by the time we got back to the car.
18.01.10: Spent a lot of the morning on the phone trying to get hold of the RNIB to see if they can offer some support to my mum, especially as she is due to have a cataract operation at some stage this year.
Chris phoned to say she has been invited to the launch of The Wool Project, which will be in the presence of Prince Charles. She will be on holiday, so has nominated our contact at The Crafts Council
19.01.10: Finally was rung back by a very nice lady called Steph. You have to have a 'Sight Assessment' first before they can help you, so that is the next step.
Have received the new logo for the UKHKA. It's great having a new logo, but the website will need a colour change which is a bit daunting. Will need to book some time with Bob.
Chris phoned to ask if I am free next Tuesday - contact at The Crafts Council can't attend either, although they are sending someone else.
21.01.10: Email received this morning inviting me to attend The Wool Project - ahhh can I cope? Rang Graham who was tied up, so rang Chris who talked me through everything. Main problem is that the launch is being held near Royston near Cambridge. Felt a bit calmer after a long chat with Chris and even calmer when Graham said he'd come with me and we can go down the night before. Luckily I do have something suitable to wear, but am in a state of panic about it. In the same room as Prince Charles - there's a first...
Popped into Rycote Centre to take latest CRB form. Told my Line Manager and she was thrilled as Prince Charles is one of her heroes!
22.01.10: Back to earth and Jewellery Class. Thought today's project would be ideal for two of the students - and they were both absent.
Had hair cut in the afternoon, then collected Lucy from the station and went shopping.
23.10.10: Second night with no sleep. Graham also having trouble sleeping, but he has more reason than me (a reason that I will soon be able to announce). Reasonably easy journey, pheasant for lunch. Lucy and I took a trip to Bourton to have a look round the shops but got caught up with the Hunt and then our favourite shop was closed! Then off to Stow to do some food shopping for my mum and dad. Home around 8.30pm
24.01.10: Catch up day spent at home.
25.01.10: Sarah's Birthday. Graham home from work at 4.00pm, set off for Cambridge about 20 to 5 and arrived just before 7. Nice meal in the hotel restaurant and a quick stroll outside - which was a little bizarre as there didn't seem to be any footpaths and it was freezing cold.
26.01.10: Left the hotel by 8.45 and arrived at Wimpole Home Farm 9.20am. Graham dropped me off and collected me around 2.00pm. Full story above.
27.01.10: Catch up on the website, five piano lessons and another Safeguarding Training Session, this time at Derby Conference Centre off London Road. (6.30pm - 9.30pm)The chap was very knowledgeable having worked (and I think still does) in child care for Social Services. He was lovely, but kept apologising for everything - I wanted to give him a shake and say: "Be more assertive!" Home at last and then watched 2 episodes of Mad Men.
28.01.10: 4 piano lessons.
29.01.10: Jewellery Class at Village. Graham's last half day at work for Delta Rail. He has taken 'early retirement' - anyway we get to keep our free Rail Travel and he has an interview for a new job next week...
30.01.10: Sunny, but very cold. Ended up at Dovedale - walked up Thorpe Cloude. Had my TENS machine on me and managed the walk without too much bother. Watched a chap trying to cross the stepping stones at Dovedale which were covered in water. The first time he fell off up to his knees, the second time up to his chest - hope he had a wet-suit on under his jacket! Full moon was spectacular on way home.
31.01.10: Graham and I went up to Alport Heights to try and capture the moon. When we eventually got there, we'd missed the sunset and were too early for the moon rise. Bit of a shame as we had a Canon 5D to play with, but nothing to photograph - one day we'll get it right...
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