Sunday, August 05, 2007

Oh To Be Back In Longoio...

Giorno Cinque domencia 15th luglio

Sunday was our first rest day and I celebrated by having a mammoth lie in (I think I forgot to get up). By the time I did come round, the sun was hot and Graham had already reached the fifth chapter of a book he’d found to read. We continued with a leisurely morning spent sunbathing, me washing my hair and then cooking a sparse Sunday dinner consisting of chicken with lemon, potatoes wedges laced with olive oil, (found in the cupboard) rosemary (cut from the bush in the garden) and sea salt (also found in the cupboard). By 4.00pm, the heat was just about beginning to retreat (we hoped) – so jumped into the bubble car and set off in search of a village we could just make out clinging to the mountain in the distance.

The roads in Italy are very narrow and winding – unless you have been there you can have no concept of how bad they really are. Unfortunately they are a means to an end and unless you follow their tortuous route, you have no chance of reaching you goal and as every village has a certain charm there’s no other way. So it was we began our little ‘jaunt, me holding on tight to the door handle trying to combat the centrifugal forces and Graham with both hands gripping the steering wheel, looking every bit as though it would snap off in his hands!

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