Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Launch Of 'The Wool Project'

26.01.10. On the right is the old Tithe Barn where the meeting was held. On arrival we were told to wait in an outbuilding opposite. It was outside and it was freezing. I was so cold, having left my coat in the car, that a kindly gentleman soon wrapped his scarf around my neck without even being asked. Once inside (entry was by passport) we were given hot coffee, except it wasn't that hot. I explained my plight to the chap pouring the coffee and he immediately offered me his own coat (he wasn't wearing it at the time) which I gratefully accepted. At this time I made the decision to ring Graham to ask him to bring my own coat back. It turned out it was the right decision, but he had just arrived at the museum he had planned to visit and understandably wasn't keen to return. However, my coat did reappear after another 20 minutes and I was saved from frost bite.
Which all goes to show the age of chivalry is not dead after all...

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