Thursday, January 13, 2011

January 2011
01.01.11 Happy New Year! Hope someone is reading this... As usual, today was a recovery day, not that we over indulged last night - just had a late night - not to mention the power cut.
02.01.11. Lucy's last day with us, so we went to The Spotted Cow for lunch. Our first meal out and it was delicious!
03.01.11. Graham is busy tinkering in the garage since it got a tiny bit warmer, so I elected to drive Lucy to Oxford as she starts work tomorrow. We stopped off for a walk round Bicester, which wasn't as exciting as we'd hoped, neither was the meal in the local pub. It was exceedingly cold and we were glad to get to Lucy's bedsit and warm up. Left at 4.30pm and arrived home around two hours later - diesel consumption over 51 mpg.
Three piano lessons today and first Tap class of the year.
Acupuncture session at hospital - had to wait over half an hour, which is unusual. Funds much depleted so went to Ilkeston Hospital to collect £20 they owed me for materials from November.
Had a last Jewellery class at The Eco Centre at Wirksworth, 1-3pm. This was delayed from last year due to the snow. The class was also very nearly cancelled as they have since had a fire. It was quite odd sitting in the foyer part with only just enough light to see what we were doing and having work men shouting down instructions from the roof (to each other) - slightly reminiscent of Nigel's demise in The Archers...
07.01.11. Busy day on the website. Shopping in the afternoon. Graham came with me and havinf gone our separate ways met up for a very welcome cup of tea. We needed fortifying before teh weekly food shop.
08.01.11. Miserable weather so didn't plan any excursions, instead read up all day about using Precious Metal Clay (I've had the kit and the book for years) By the end of the afternoon I had 14 delicate tiny daisies. Left the house at 10 to 7 and went to town. Bought tickets for The King's Speech at The Quad and then had tea at Nandos (after a wait of 15 minutes). The film was as good if not better than all the rave reviews. At last a film of real quality. Another 'first', the cinema was packed to capacity!
09.01.11. Cooked lunch, went for a walk and then fired my PMC with Graham's help. I did it all on my own, but in the garage so I couldn't set fire to anything. Graham just set the timer so I knew how long I was firing each piece. I felt quite experienced by the end and from the fact that I managed to melt one of the pieces (the second). It taught me a very valuable lesson about how hot the torch is and where to position the flame. Now, I just need to learn how to drill holes in silver...
10.01.11 Busy morning with piano pupils and emails to answer. Ordered supplies for workshop later in the week.
11.01.11. My second acupuncture session. Home for some lunch and then out for appointment to see the 'Visitor Experience Manager' at Kedleston Hall. It was wonderful visiting the place while no one else was there and being led through room not usually open to the public. Fingers crossed for some workshops...
12.01.11. When the phone call late November to ask me to do another workshop for Marston's employees, I was thrilled as I'd not heard from them for nearly a year and thought that with money being tight, craft session for employees had fallen by the way. Not as well attended as in previous times, but those who came really enjoyed making button bracelets with chain and jump rings.
14.01.11. Had my fingers crossed that I everyone would return for my Friday jewellery class. I knew some of them thought the cost was a bit prohibitive, but still had hope. In the event, only three turned up, four thought it too expensive and one is seriously ill. Net result class will be cancelled after the third week. Consoled myself with purchases from Primark.
15.01.11. Graham set up his drill (on a frame) and left me to it. Was 95% happy with the overall result.
16.01.11. Bit of a non day due to torrential rain. Took a few bits and bobs over to Lucy's Line manager to be delivered to her.
17.01.11. Lucy's first day in her new job. No longer 'Assistant Buyer', she is now 'Assistant Merchandiser, New Products'. Graham went off to Plymouth at the crack of dawn. Finally got round to getting my new lens carefully out of it's box and took some macro photos. Think I have a lot to learn... First sunny day in ages, went to Little Eaton for walk.
18.01.11.Went for walk around Shipley Park - nice lighting, had to be back for 4pm. Graham home 5.00pm.
19.01.11. Graham went to Basingstoke via Cirencester and back. Went out a second time to Shipley park to get the photos I wanted (with little success). Had a meeting at Village at 5pm, back for piano lesson at 6.30pm.
20.01.11. Meeting in London to talk through the redesigning of the website. Good to meet up with Julie our 'in house' computer whizz. Day went relatively smoothly. Pity no chance to see any of London other than the inside of Vapiano - specialises in pasta and pizzas - just my luck...
21.01.11. Graham spent day at Model Engineer's Show in London. Having gone really early we was back in Derby by 3.30pm... Second Jewellery Class at Village. As I mentioned last week, we only had three, two of who are mother and daughter. Today they brought along daughter/granddaughter. I wonder if anyone else has had three generations of the same family in their class?
Normal afternoon, catch up on website, shopping round town and then food shopping.
23.01.11. As it looks as though I won't be teaching after next Friday, I have started a new blog in the hope that I can advertise my classes, or what I can teach on it in the hope that people will find it. It is called (after much head scratching) beadandcraftwithme
24.01.11. Graham went off to Plymouth by train and won't be back until Thursday. Only 2 piano lessons today. I did have an enquiry from someone on Saturday, but they didn't show up...
25.01.11. Sarah's birthday. Busy day on website, only 2 piano lessons and then off to tap. Weather is freezing again.
26.01.11. Spent all available time taking some photos of balls of wool for a Press Release and then the comment came back: "very nice but need landscape, not portrait aspect". Took some more, but didn't turn out so well. Did however learn about the magnetic lasso tool in Photoshop, after a quick phone call to Lucy. 4 Piano lessons today.
27.01.11. Up early and out of the house by 9.15am. I even set the Sat Nav in my car, which was a first, but I felt I would need it and so persevered! Arrived in Bamford just after 10.30am to spend the day with Claire who I have asked to take over the writing of the UKHKA newsletters. I have every confidence in her ability as a writer. I just hope nothing puts her off. We went out to a nearby restaurant for lunch, but I made the mistake of forgetting to mention that I'd rather not have the béarnaise sauce on my salmon. Ugh! I've only just had the courage to look up what's in it... I was surprised to learn (as well as all the other things we have in common) that Claire is allergic to potatoes, something I've never come across before. After lunch I just had to see the Ladybower Reservoir, as we were so close (yards). I walked across the dam and Claire went back and waited in the car as it was perishing. Luckily , the sun came out almost on cue! Next we went back to Claire's house and a lovely open fire and got down to work. I left as it was time to collect son from Primary school and I was home just after 4.30pm. (Graham home)
28.01.11. I had a call on Tuesday enquiring about jewellery classes, but the two people mentioned didn't turn up, so after the class, I put in my pay claim and left with no one to say good-bye to. Graham and I went shopping in the afternoon, our new routine, but I soon lost heart and we came home.
29.01.11. Didn't get out today, so took the plunge and made some PMC rings. Not sure if they will fit, the book says to make them two sizes bigger to allow for shrinkage. Was quite stressful trying to tame the pliable clay into a ring shape and only managed to get one of the four to form a join.
30.01.11. Spent more time armed with PMC paste and hair drier and coaxed the rings into complete circles. Had ham from Croots for Sunday lunch. Theirs are the nicest hams I have ever eaten! Went for a walk along the road almost down to Little Eaton after lunch. The road has been closed all week and I wanted to see what progress they had made. So hope they complete ahead of schedule, it takes so much time to go all the way round!

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