Thursday, December 21, 2006

Birthdays and Tulips from Amsterdam

Tulips from Amsterdam
Originally uploaded by Geraldine Curtis.
There comes a time around the age of about 13 or so, when birthdays begin to loose their magic and surprises almost cease to exist except on maybe a few occasions. Coupled with the fact that my birthday is near Christmas (16th) and always overshadowed by the build up, my birthday needed to be 'reinvented'. We knew this time had come when for my 40th, we couldn't even find a restaurant at lunch time and ended up having fish and chips! I don't think I shall ever get over the disappointment! In the last three years Graham has surpassed himself by finding exciting places to visit (this coincides with being able to book on the internet) First year we visited Paris for the week-end. We spent my birthday in the Louvre, which is just amazing. It's an incredible place, but once in, it's touch and go whether you will ever find your way out. Unfortunately the weather was freezing and although dry on the first evening, it was lucky that we spent the majority of my birthday in the museum as outside it was cold wet and pretty miserable. The following year we visited Amsterdam. (we had to go a week early as Graham was best man for his mate's wedding the day after my birthday) Again it was freezing cold, but bright and sunny during the day. I wasn't very well, trying to cope with the pain in my side, but the upturn was, once I'd put my pictures on Flickr, a travel agents from Bulgaria asked if they could use my photos to promote their tours - fame at last!!

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