Thursday, December 21, 2006

Off To Rome

This year Graham thought it would be nice to go somewhere 'warm' or 'warm' relative to the cold we were used to experiencing, so we decided on Rome. There's only one stumbling block with this sort of activity, the fact that you need to fly and I really don't enjoy flying. However, having said that, the flight out was remarkably smooth and the one back almost as good. The only drawback being the early start, leaving the house at 6.30am, which in my book is still the middle of the night. We arrived at Campanini airport at 12.30pm and didn't have to wait too long for the connecting bus to take us to the main train station- Termini. Unfortunately we were targeted by some unscrupulous individuals who thought we were fair game to be mugged. They sprayed something pretty revolting on Graham's trousers and then one came to 'help' him, the idea being that in the confusion its easy to lift your wallet/camera. Graham had been warned of this happening, so the incident passed with me being confused and Graham making sure they didn't get anything. We stopped at Termini to have something to eat and were very careful with our possessions. One word 'pollo' and and lots of pointing was all that was needed. Finding our way on the underground was a little confusing at first, but once we'd worked out which direction we needed, it was quite straight forward. Metro tickets on the Rome Underground can be used for the train or bus rides. The only proviso is that once the ticket is 'clocked' it only lasts for 75 minutes - but you can go a long way in 75 minutes and all for 1 Euro!! The last part of the journey was the worst. Once we'd arrived at the nearest Metro station it took us another hour to walk to the hotel, it was a long way.

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