Monday 11th
Last 'teaching' Monday this year. Group at Sinfin said how much they'd enjoyed doing crafts and that they'd much rather carry on with me than do the computer class planned for next term. Nice to be appreciated, but feel they will have forgotten me by 12.31pm. (I left at 12.30pm) Almost a full house at Jewellery class down the road. Won't miss the rush from one site to the other next year. Class is 'safe' for rest of year which is very comforting. Hope for new students come January and advert in new Bead magazine. Eventually managed to get through to wish my dad a Happy Birthday about 9.00pm.
Tuesday 12th
Day on website and general 'catch-up'. Last tap class of the year included 'fuddle'. We had a joint class with the previous class (beginners), so the tap steps were less challenging than normal. Did lots of sequences of 'crossing over' in various forms in anticipation of steps needed for Arts Festival entry next year. Made New Year's Resolution to get my new 'taps' fitted, so I can make as much tap noise as the next person!
Wednesday 13th
Determined to get all my Christmas cards written today. Decided to realise an ambition this year of making all my own cards. I usually hand make a few for aunts, god-mother and 'old gentlemen' who I know will appreciate them. Collected Lucy from school and did some shopping in Heanor. Had 'incident' in the car park when I had to get out of the car and tell some silly woman where to go, so the rest of us could get out. (Lucy hid) Funny when over!! Had lunch in Nandos in Derby and more Christmas shopping. Just about completed cards by end of the day, 9.30ish!
Thursday 14th
Panic on today to get last few jobs done and be ready to set off tomorrow. Graham flew back from New York for 7.00am and went straight to work. Eventually arrived home for lunch (his breakfast) about 1.00pm. Went to Rycote Centre to drop off video for my class to watch when I'm not there tomorrow. Almost had the offer of a 'quicky' under the mistletoe, but luckily ran out of time. Visited the class I had been invited to take over, but they are unlikely to be able to change their day - probably a good thing. Other class in Kirk Hallam confirmed for 10 weeks. Went Christmas Shopping with Lucy after school, managed to find some new comfortable shoes to take with me over the week-end. Pity they couldn't be stylish too! Was packed and ready by 10.00pm
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