Saturday, November 03, 2007


Friday 26th October

Robert had been dreading going back to university. We all (I) tried to reassure him that it wouldn't be that bad and anyway, this year will fly and by this time next year he'll be back in Cambridge, working his socks off and wondering what all the fuss was about...
Monday night a group of youths had congregated outside his house, supposedly playing football. There was a big 'crash' and on investigation a window was found to be broken. Luckily, being double glazed, only one pane broke, so no damage inside. Police were called and arrived within 10 minutes.
Tuesday night a group of girls, probably only Primary school age, came through the garden and climbed over the fence at the back of the house to gain entry to the school behind.
Wednesday night, Robert and Warren, his house mate, went out for the initial meeting of the local Alpha Group. (It was Warren's idea and apparently the spread put on was impressive...) They arrived home to find that Warren's bike had been stolen. It had been at the back of the house, but unfortunately wasn't locked. The security lights had been on throughout, and although Robert's bike was under its cover a few feet away, it hadn't been touched. (It now lives in the lounge) Bit traumatic as Warren had spent all his spare time over the summer making this bike, a recumbant. Police were called...
Thursday, Robert arrived home after lectures to find the whole area cordoned off; there'd been a murder...

Saturday 27th October

Graham home at half past 8. Had hoped for someone to make me a cup of tea, but I did get the kettle boiled for me...

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