Thursday, July 31, 2008

Venice Here We Come!

DAY 2: Thursday 3rd July
Thursday, I was awake before Graham, conscious of the fact that the last morning train to Venice left at 11.00am. Breakfast hadn’t changed since our last visit. Tinned fruit masquerading as the healthy option, circular toasting machine that refused to turn anything the palest shade of brown and the fruit juice machine which dispensed bright liquids that would make a dull penny shine!

Graham decided we shouldn’t rush, so headed out of the hotel in the opposite direction to the station to take the scenic route to the station. The train, was as with previous years, had no seats until the next stop, then once we arrived I headed for the toilets (you never know where the next ones will be), whilst Graham took ‘work photos’ of the trains, pantographs and anything that looked like a sanding machine underneath.

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