Saturday, March 07, 2009


Today I should have been up early and off to Belper to take a Silk Painting Workshop. This was cancelled due to lack of interest. Instead, with newly fallen snow, I took Graham to Brackley Gate to photograph the white fields. It was unfortunate,  but due to a combination of circumstances, I did some serious damage to Hermione this morning. So that was it for the weekend, deep depression wondering how much damage had been done or whether this was just another blip on the road to recovery...

Busy morning, then off to Jewellery Class to make a bracelet by sewing beads on to a piece of knitting wire. Knitted wire is a brilliant material, I wish I had more time to use it to its full potential - one of my favourite projects. 

When the chaps came last Wednesday to fix a new front door and side panel, they collected the glass only to find the side panel pattern didn't match the front door. They came today to fit the correct pattern - all completed in a matter of minutes, hoorah! 
Card Making at Alfreton was Spirelli technique, another favourite of mine. Have managed to convince the manager there that if we continue with card making after half term, there will be enough (learners) to run it. (Instead of changing to silk painting)

With Graham off to America on Sunday, I needed my car serviced before he went and today was the day. It seems an ideal situation for him to take my car in as he works across the road from T.C. Harrisons, but all the best laid plans... At the last minute Graham had arranged a meeting in London and needed the car sorted as early as possible. However, my poor car managed to fail it's MOT and by the time they'd replaced the offending  brake pads etc and he'd come home to collect overnight bag and swap cars, he was very close to missing his train and meeting - I was not popular... (He did catch the train by the skin of his teeth and did have a successful meeting)

Worked on website all morning. Went to town in the afternoon for a much needed change of scenery, put some money in the bank and bought Graham a selection of shirts from Primark. At £3.00 a shirt, he may as well take an armful and leave them there. What would we do without Primark...?

Following on from last week's workshop making earrings in Burton, I have been contacted by one of the learner's mum who organises speakers for her WI. Today I spent ages writing an email explaining who I was and what I could give talks/workshops in. I was very disappointed when she wrote back saying they already have someone giving a talk about knitting - which wasn't on the list!!
Graham came home after lunch and we set off to go to Ilkeston Hospital for a routine Diabetic eye test- where they put drops in to dilate your pupils, then take a flash photo of the inside of your eye. If you didn't have something wrong with your eyes before they do this, then you most probably will after! After that we had to drive to Derby to collect Lucy from the train, then back to the doctors to have his yearly Diabetic test done.
Having dropped Graham off at home, Lucy and I went off to do the food shopping at Morrisons. 
There was a special event at Nottingham tonight, when all the main buildings are illuminated with different coloured lights, their 'Light Night'. I'd been looking forward to go for weeks, but after a busy afternoon and doing all the driving, it looked as though we wouldn't be able to fit it in. However, Graham was really sweet about it and agreed that we should go, especially as he was keen to try out the park and ride trams. Although Hermione wasn't happy, she survived the night well, all things considered and I had a great time using my new Canon IXUS 980 for the first time.

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