Saturday, February 03, 2007


Monday 29th

A quiet morning, that's all I ask, then off to teach my class in the afternoon. Instead the morning was frenetic, I received a call asking me to take over someone's class on Wednesday morning. How I hate to turn down work, but this was no ordinary job, the class they needed a tutor for will be an NOCN course (= loads of more paperwork) and as I'm already teaching 3 sessions a week there just aren't enough hours in the day. Oh to have a proper job where you get paid for the hours you put in!!
Jewellery class went OK and for once I gatecrashed next door's lesson (she said I could) so I could use the computer and show my students an animation of Brick Stitch, they were almost as excited as me about it...
For some unknown reason (probably because both piano lessons had cancelled and had an hour's extra time) I picked up the Parish magazine and read it from cover to cover (can't remember the last time I did that) Anyway, I found out two things, one we're getting a new vicar (hurrah! I didn't think anyone got one of those any more - and he's a man...) and the parish council have their own website. I dialled it up to see if they had any local history to help me in my quest to find out more about Morley Mound. Other than a picture (which wasn't anything to do with Morley!) and some titles, there was little to look at. There was however a request for wintery scenes of Morley, (me, me, me I yelled: "I have some") so I clicked on the email and sent off my Flickr link. (Chap has promised to get back in touch...)

Tuesday 30th

I kept waiting for the phone to ring this morning, so that I wouldn't have to continue with ironing/tidying/cleaning etc, but nothing until the moment I raised my fork to my mouth at lunch time. It was my Line manager for a session I've agreed to do at Hatton Centre over half term, 'could I tell her what I'd like so that they could send an order for materials off today.' I knew what the short answer was (no), but after a lot of 'ums' and 'ers' I said I'd ring back in 10 minutes. As I haven't exactly decided what I'm doing when I rang back I put in a vague order for some coloured card and negotiated a budget of £10, so I can make up my mind in the usual 24 hours before!

Wednesday 31st

Graham came home today, although he didn't until he'd gone to work to a meeting and eventually made it back for 1.30pm. As usual, he unpacked his bag and showered me with presents, magazines, one of which he bought me last visit and a CD of 'How To Play The Piano' (is he trying to tell me something?) Sorry, Graham, the other things are fab!
Gail (one of my adult pupils) made it to piano lesson, having spent the whole day helping her dad move into a house in Gotham ( "was that the same Gotham as Batman lives in?" I asked ducking a punch) We spent most of the lesson discussing why, when there are so many articles about music, no one writes about how to help people who have difficulty holding a tune. Answers on a large postcard, please...

Thursday 1st February

Piano lesson first thing and major breakthrough. At last Mary (one of three adults) is convinced that 'fingering works'. Always difficult for adults to accept this when they've spent a life time using any old finger (me included at one stage).
Silk Painting lesson went better, feel the students are beginning to accept me a bit better.
After class off to Heanor to Lucy's Parent's Evening. Yes, 'A's expected in all subjects, why are my children so much better at achieving than I was?
Another email from person on parish magazine enthusing about my photos, but will have to wait and see if they make it to the Morley Parish Council website. (One more thing to add to my CV?). Also sent a reply back to textile shop in Derby who have invited me to be their bead tutor. Not sure whether I'm advanced enough for them, but we'll see...

Friday 2nd
Had I great time with my class this morning teaching them about Homophones (same sound, different spelling) We were making a stationery set and as my spelling is so bad they'll now never know whether it's 'stationery' or 'stationary'...
Met up with Graham for a quick lunch, thanks for the flowers, Graham ( I got to choose them)
Took Lucy for our customary retail therapy, but was glad to get home as side playing up.
Thought I'd taken the ultimate photo last night as the moon was full and hanging serenely in the sky. Images show small bright blob against a black background, can't win 'em all, I suppose...

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