Friday, February 22, 2008


Monday 11th February

Busy morning. Jewellery class went really well and nearly all finished making their beaded hearts ready for Valentine's day. Supported student didn't turn up, so her support worker informed me that she was entitled to leave after a certain amount of time and still get paid. Her attitude really 'sucks' to quote modern terminology. Upshot was, backed by one of the other students, she was persuaded to stay - and then her passing shot was that she was really happy that she stayed, as she enjoyed doing some beading...

Tuesday 12th February

Busy day catching up on the website. Trying to find all newspaper articles before our sponsored fastest knitter flies to Minneapolis to compete against lots of other contestants from around the world for the coveted title of International Speed Knitting Champion.
Went to tap class, coped OK, just tapped as lightly as I could.

Wednesday 13th February

Up early as men coming to fit new doors front and back of the utility. They arrived at quarter to nine and began with a cup of strong tea (no sugar). Unlike typical workmen, they got on with the job and it soon became obvious they would be finished before I'd had time to go and get them their money. I dashed off to town and to the bank. After waiting in a queue for 10 minutes listening to some poor lad who wanted to: "withdraw all my money" he was finally handed a five pound note. Soon it was my turn, everything was fine, or so I thought until the bank clerk disappeared with my passport for 5 minutes to get the payment 'authorised'. " How would you like the money?" "As big as possible" I replied, when it was clear that she only had £20 the question seemed irrelevant. Then she began to count out my nearly £2000 in full view of the now 10 people in the queue. I was so cross that she wasn't the slightest bit discreet. I even had to ask for an envelope to put it in...
Having dashed back home, I threw the money at the 'chaps' and dashed out again to my doctor's appointment arriving 5 minutes late.
I arrived back just in time to see the last few bits and pieces being loaded in to the van and the path being swept up. Money handed over, receipt signed, job done.....
I just love my new doors!

Thursday 14th February

Today began with two piano lessons. I've mentioned before about my new pupil being a healer. Today our usual exchange of pleasantries culminated in her impromptu 'laying on of hands' with a little prayer. It was a lovely gesture. To think that such a small action could have made a difference makes you want to 'believe', but writing this a week later, I am beginning to despair of ever getting better...
Valentine's Day was noted, but we didn't go out as last year. Graham bought me a dozen red roses, they were lovely and very healthy looking...except there was only 11 of them... I bought him a special edition pot of Marmite (he really does love it) which made for an unusual surprise and it did taste strangely different with it's added ingredient of champagne!

Friday 15th February

Arrived at the centre to find no only the car park cordoned off, but also the front entrance and a very large crane in operation. They have been re-cladding the building and should have been finished except that the top story of the building is 6" shorter than the rest and they only found this out when they tried to put the slabs in place!
Collected Lucy from the station, went shopping and then deposited her at Ben's. Graham collected Robert from the station at half past 7.

Friday's Favourite: Terry Wogan plays this song a lot, which is where, I suppose I must have heard it first. I'm posting two links to the same song as I don't like the video to the first and the second link is appropriately enough for Valentine's Day
"All I Have" Beth Nielson Chapman
Valentine's Day Three Love Songs (push the slider along to the last 4 minutes)

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