Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Still "The Fastest Knitter In The West..." (With apologies to Pete Bevington of The Shetland News)

Monday 18th February

Learned first thing that Hazel Tindall had beaten all the fastest knitters in the world to be crowned International Speed Knitter at the Knit Out 2008 held in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. The UKHKA (who I run the website for) had sponsored Hazel to take part. This news certainly put a spring in my step today.
Graham gave me a lift to the station at lunch time and I travelled down to the NEC to visit the ICHF Craft, Hobby and Stitch Show - one of the highlights of my year. All the main names are there with all their 'crafty bits' on display. Trouble is you can't buy, only look (and make an order). After the show I had been invited to a special meeting to welcome on board some new members to the UKHKA (best not be too specific, just in case) It was great fun, we had wine and nibbles and lots to chat about.

I had a really lovely day, a really 'normal' day. Pity Hermione had to spoil everything by the next day...

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