Friday, May 16, 2008

Madeline McCann, Missing Since May 3rd 2007

There are some stories in the newspapers which we all find hard to believe. In the case of Madeline McCann, we think: " how did this happen?" : "how could the parents have left these children alone", but if we take time to think we, have all been guilty of leaving our children out of sight, for moments, for minutes where we think they will be safe from harm...

When we left Bradgate Hill, we went in search of the nearest tea room and happened to stop in Rothley. In front of the War Memorial was a fresh bouquet of flowers on the ground and a series of pictures hanging on the railings. People passed by and stopped to look and read what was written. It didn't mean anything at the time, but when I opened the Sunday Telegraph the next day and saw a picture of the exact layout, I realised what we had chanced upon.

Madeline, I hope you are safe...

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