Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Monday 9th June

Catch up day, made more difficult as I seem to have done some damage to Hermione.
Phoned up our oil suppliers to query our bill. Usually the price for 1000 litres is just under £400. This time we had a bill for £702! Our neighbour who had oil from the same delivery tank, and who ordered his a day after us wasn't charged as much money. After several phone calls, throughout this week, I finally had a result... they did eventually match the lower price, but wouldn't reduce the current bill, instead awarded us a credit note for the next time we order...

Tuesday 10th June

Lucy came with me to Alfreton for my second workshop, this time teaching glass painting. I couldn't have managed without her to open the fire doors and to assist with a student with mild learning difficulties. The majority of students were the same ones from last week, with a few friends who had been encouraged to come along. They weren't quite as enthusiastic with the results as last week, but in general there were some lovely finished items. Lucy was really happy to have come along as the manager of the Centre rewarded her with a large box of 'Heroes' for helping out...
No sooner had we arrived home when we had to leave and go to another school in Derby to make Button Jewellery as part of a Family Learning afternoon and then back home to three piano lessons... a full day.

Wednesday 11th June

Graham plane was late leaving last night and consequently he was an hour late arriving. I had yet another dental appointment as my tooth hadn't settled down at all after the course of penicillin I'd been given a week last Friday. As my appointment was for nearly 10.00am, I gave Lucy a lift to work. The dentist didn't quite know what to make of my tooth and it was only after deciding to remove the filling, it was as I had said all along, broken along it's axis. Solution...a crown...cost £200. (To take place at the end of July)

Thursday 12th June

Everyone was back at work today. Was half thinking of not going to Jewellery Class this afternoon, but was glad that I did. A lady who I'd not seen since March when she went to have her knee replaced came back. Collected Lucy from work and then we went food shopping.

Friday 13th June

Lucy came with me to the last Craft Class of term, although in the end she wasn't really needed. We made paper windmills and finished off another project and surprise, surprise filled in a number of forms...
After some lunch Lucy and I went for our customary retail therapy and then I took Lucy to Ben's.

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