Friday, June 08, 2007

Fly Away Peter, Fly Away Paula...

Having just written to the local paper to ask if I can go and 'shadow' one of their professional reporters for a day, I went outside to take advantage of the glorious weather and seek inspiration for my next project. I was standing next to the flower bed when a pot of seeds began to tremble and heave. As I have been playing sandcastles with our local mole all week (you build 'em up and I'll knock 'em down) I dashed in to retrieve my camera and get a moving picture. Of course, he must have felt 'the earth move' ( no erotic innuendoes intended) and decided he was camera shy after all, so I gave up and went in and made a cup of tea.
Standing outside, cup in hand, I espied our baby Blue Tits about to make a break for it. Their parents have been incredibly camera shy all week, but the babies were clearly ready to take centre stage. Luckily, my camera makes very soothing (bird-like?) noises and they seemed to want to make friends straight away! There were two babies, one scruffy and one very sleek. The sleek one appeared to push past my camera and flew off. Incredibly he made it onto the nearest roof, hopped on to and clung to the vertical wall and on up to the highest point he could find, the top of our chimney.
The last I saw was a flutter of wings, flying off into the distance, we can learn so much from observing...

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