Monday, June 18, 2007

Oh To Be Back At School...

The School of Jewellery is a beautiful building which has been totally rebuilt from the inside to provide light and airy accommodation. The Atrium gives the idea of being the centre of a posh ship with handrails of polished light wood and barriers of metal rods to stop you falling through. Even the floors in their Pacific Green hue are reminiscent of the colour of the sea. I was given a guided tour starting at the top of the building and working down. I had imagined that this was normal, but in fact Les was keeping the best till last! Walking the decks, we saw students past and present, all very busy getting their creations finished for next Tuesday's deadline. Les was most proud of one of his previous students, she'd originally been trained by him under a YTS scheme - but there again, the whole place was about success stories.
As we wandered round the classrooms, I was introduced as: "the wife of Graham Curtis, who had made his Honda 400/4 bike" it all got very complicated and then he'd add: " Geraldine teaches jewellery" which was a little embarrassing as the jewellery techniques I teach are nothing like the jewellery technology taught there - where you start with a piece of metal and depending on how you cut, bend, hammer, draw, file etc etc the finished product is a work of art with hours and hours of work behind it. Me, I just do things with beads...

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