Saturday, March 17, 2007

An Afternoon At The Opera...(Hospital)

How often do we set all our hopes on an appointment, only to have them dashed by the outcome? I'd come to the conclusion that I should expect nothing so that any result would be a bonus. Having spent many a happy hour at the Gynae Department, the passing shot from a Greek Register was: "We can take all your bits out and you might still experience the pain", I really had nothing to loose. First stumbling block was finding the Gastroenterology Department at Derby City Hospital. Even armed with their map, I still managed to get completely lost and when I did locate the outpatients' department and enquired whether I arrived at T1, L1, the receptionist clearly had no idea what I was talking about. I hardly had time to sit on their folding cinema seats (they really do fold up to create more space in the corridor) when I was whisked away my a well meaning nurse to have weight and blood pressure checked. Only my blood pressure was really high for the first time ever. On reflection I had taken the lift up two levels and then had to rush down the stairs for fear of being late. Perhaps she should have checked my weight first? Then there was a short interlude before being called in by a youngish doctor in open neck shirt and glasses. Realising that the name he gave me didn't match the one on my form, I asked if I could see the consultant. Bit like asking can I see the main bill, not the support... He 'took it' very well, but I managed to dig myself a hole by saying cringe worthy things like: "I'm sure you're very experienced but.. and you've probably got 15 years experience (he said he'd been qualified 9)" Anyway, I was invited to retake my seat and wait to be called. The consultant, on the other hand, had the aura of a star, he called me in, offered me his hand to shake and directed me to a chair to sit on. (He was a bit short for a leading man, but hey, look at Tom Cruise) We chatted away like old friends and gave me the benefit of his experience: "Sounds as though you have a hernia? I just need to examine you..." It was with deft fingers he poked and prodded, but unfortunately even his lightness of touch left its mark and I'm still feeling the effects and wondering how long before I begin to feel better. The main thing is, it's almost a diagnosis and the nearest thing I have to thinking I can get better. The tests I'm being sent for will not be pleasant, but if the eventual result is getting my life back, it will be worth it....(I keep telling myself).
I'm studying the map in anticipation of my next visit... anyone know any good films I can watch in the meantime...?

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