Friday, August 15, 2008

Fancy Meeting You Here...

Went to town shopping in the afternoon and had my eyes tested as I know they have deteriorated over the last six months. The optiton assured me that I do need glasses for reading - that's lucky as I then don't need glasses as I don't read... the £75 is what really holds me back, especially as the prescription stated things like +0.25, what exactly does that mean? My eyesight was good enough to see a long queue in the middle of The Westfield Centre, but not why it had formed. It turned out to be a book signing with Katie Price. I did have my camera, but had left it in the car. Robert very kindly agreed to go and fetch it and by the time he got back Katie was now standing and having her photograph taken with some of the last people to buy her book. By sharpening my elbows, I did manage to get some quite reasonable shots!

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