Saturday, August 09, 2008

Rest Day...

Day 8: Wednesday 9th July

This was another very late morning for me, but we did have rather a late night, the night before. Otherwise I felt fine. Graham on the other hand was showing signs of general wear and tear which worsened through the day until I left him after lunch so that he could catch up on some sleep!

Late in the afternoon, we ventured out towards Barga, stopping off to walk around Ghivizzano where many of the inhabitants kept beautiful caged birds outside above their front doors and then onto Coreglia where the majority of the streets were incredibly steep. After that we headed for the local superstore for a few provisions including some much needed milk.

On the way home I suggested we stop for another picnic as I’d spotted a large lake next to the road we were traveling along. The lake turned out to be a huge reservoir and to get to any parking you had to go through two short tunnels cut into the rock. This would have been fine, but in true Italian style the tunnels were barely one car width and it was impossible to see if anything was coming in the opposite direction! The rest of the evening we spent watching Ocean’s 12 in our own little cinema…

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