Sunday, August 10, 2008

Serenade Me...

It was a perfect temperature to walk around the streets taking in the atmosphere, if a little noisy as everyone made their way home from work on a tiring hot day. The lure of the shops beckoned still and having seen a handbag on Saturday, I found myself unable to resist buying a bright pink one made from local leather. Graham suggested we stop for dinner and we found what looked to be a very pleasant restaurant in Florence’s oldest square. Unfortunately, the food didn’t match up to its surroundings and had to be put down to ‘experience’. On the way back to the car we passed several musicians, one playing a violin and another a flute. On a rainy day in England, the music may have been perceived as particularly corny, but on a balmy night in Florence it was euphoric…

Another late night after another almost perfect day…

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